Ice Cream Social for Grief Awareness


You scream, I scream, we all scream for…ICE CREAM!

What a hit! We welcomed over 250 guests to cool off with us over free ice cream treats and fun times! And all for grief awareness.

Our Chief Education Officer Rebecca Wu read her book Moving In Forever and led games with the audience about expressing feelings. We shared grief resources with kids, families, educators, and therapists. Community members gathered to share stories and enjoy each other’s company while eyeing their raffle tickets to see if they won one of our 12 amazing prizes! The most popular prizes were the $100 gift card from a local grocer, a basket of children’s books on grief and emotional awareness, and a huge lot of art supplies to get creative over the summer. And almost everyone walked away with one-of-a-kind DIY buttons and keychains that had art inspired by the special people and pets in their lives. It was definitely a wholesome, creative afternoon!

The goal of our ice cream social was to show that talking about grief and grief-related topics does not need to feel scary, weird, or disjointed. Talking about loss in relatable ways can feel disarming, relieving, and natural. We have all experienced loss of many kinds; we don’t need to do it alone. But in order to journey together, we need to first start the conversation.

We could not have pulled off such an event without the help of our committed volunteers, dedicated partners, and generous sponsors. And due to the power of the community, friends old and new came together to spread the word and love! Thank you EVERYONE!